• Parsley

    • $4.50 / 4oz tin

      Parsley is a member of the carrot and celery family, and like those two vegetables, it works to bring out the flavors of other herbs. It is a misconception that dried parsley is inferior and lacking in flavor. Dried parsley is concentrated, so if your recipe calls for 1 tablespoon of fresh chopped parsley you would need only 1 teaspoon of the dried.

      Parsley plays a prominent role in Middle Eastern recipes for baba ganoush, hummus and tabbouleh. Parsley is also a key ingredient in the French spice blends Fines Herbes and Bouquet Garni.

      Parsley pairs nicely with fish, egg, lemon, tomato and grain dishes and works well in combination with basil, chili, oregano, pepper, rosemary, sumac and tarragon.

      Parsley adds a beautiful green color with a vegetable aroma and taste to just about any dish.

      All dried herbs come in a 4 oz. window top tin, individual weights determined by herb type.

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